Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. Then he will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with good wine. Psalms 3:9-10

Your money isn't Monopoly money, so let us help you manage risk through the design and details of your agreements. No matter the type of terms, we can generate contracts that are designed for your specific circumstances.
Offer– One party promising to do something, or conversely, promising to refrain from doing a particular action
Acceptance– The unambiguous nature by which an agreement is solidified. This may be done verbally, or through performance or deed
Awareness– Both parties acknowledge the contract agreement exists
Consideration– When something of value is offered in exchange for the above-stated action or inaction; the value that induces the parties to enter into the contract
Capacity– Individuals must have the ability to reasonably understand what entering a contract agreement means; individuals compromised by, for example, drugs, may be found to lack capacity with respect to contract law
Legality– Valid contracts must fall in line with existing laws
Important notes:
We do not litigate contested contracts. We only draft and negotiate agreements and disputes related to exectuted contracts. We have referral attorneys who will handle litigation for you; some times within the scope of our fee and sometimes for a little more. It depends on the contract.
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